Nov 11, 2013

Birthday Shenanigans

This week has been a bit crazy so this post will be a tad bit long. I had a test Wednesday and my 24th birthday was Friday!!!! I absolutely love birthdays!!! the presents, the cake, the celebrating, i just love it all.

My birthday week started with my super awesome mom coming to stay with me for a night. We went to the Marietta Square Farmers Market. Compared to Chattanooga's farmers market i wrote about the other week, it was fairly small; however, it did not disappoint. The little town was super cute and had a nice charm to it. I definitely hope to go back sometime. While there we ate at Pressed Panini Bar. The menu features a variety of fresh paninis, salads, and sides to satisfy every palate. It was delicious and I wish I had one closer. Afterwards we went shopping and I got 4 new dresses for my birthday.

Tuesday was Gotcha's birthday. He turned 4!!!

Wednesday I had my second test for grad school. I'm starting to think that this may not be the right time for me to be taking classes right now but that's a story for another time.

Thursday was my work birthday!! Most people do not work on Fridays so we celebrated Thursday...Unfortunately 3 people were out sick and did not get to attend my lunch but that didn't stop it from being awesome. My super sweet coworkers got me a card and some yummy cupcakes.

Friday! My 24th Birthday!!! I left work early because I was heading down to Athens with my family. We picked up my sister and headed to dinner. After standing around and discussing options forever we finally decided on Buffalos and boy am I glad we did. I got the black bean nachos and they were huge!! My parents had to help me finish them. Before we got our food I was able to open presents, my favorite part. that might sound selfish and divaish, but it isn't the presents, its opening them that I love. Its the surprise of it all! I also got the yummy cake pictured below. props to the great american cookie company.

Saturday my birthday festivities continued with the UGA vs Appy State Game. After the game, we tailgated and made low country boil, my fave. 

I wouldn't have wanted to spend my birthday any other way.

Nov 2, 2013

Birthday Countdown!!!

I cannot believe that my 24th birthday is next Friday...In honor of that I've included a couple of pictures from some past birthday parties!!! Enjoy and let the countdown begin!!!
 6 days!!!

16th birthday party
18th birthday...yes we are at wendys. we were heading to NYC